Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Philip Island (Melbourne, Australia)


Philip Island is located at Australia's Southern Coast and it is one of the popular day trips that tourists or the locals like to go to! There are many things that could be done there, such as wildlife viewing, motor sports and visiting the coastline. J & I spent half a day there, hence we couldn't do much but at least, we managed to do what we had been yearning to see - the penguins! Besides that, we also went to see the koalas and a few other cute animals, like my favourite horse!

All the attractions are easily accessible. Though the map looks big, getting from East to West will probably take 30 minutes or so only! As the penguin parade only begins at sunset, we visited the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm first. The purchasing of tickets can all be done at the Visitor Information Centre, as shown in the picture below. For more information, you can check out their website.

Koala Conservation Centre

Upon reaching the Koala Conservation Centre, we saw many educational displays and a gift shop at their visitor interpretation centre. We got to know about Koala's habitat, diet and their life cycle too. The people around the room had a good laugh when I pressed 2 buttons that projected sounds of a female koala mating with its partner and a female koala screaming and fighting when it doesn't wish to mate! I just had to video it down. You might want to turn down the volume if someone is around you! Haha!

Then, we began our walk.

 Can you spot the koala?

Guess what this koala was doing! 

Pooping all over the place! Hahaha. 

Another cute little koala.

I would say that this is a good place to have a stroll at and get yourself surrounded by nature. It's a good opportunity to get close to koalas and have fun spotting where they are!


Churchill Island Heritage Farm

At Churchill Island Heritage Farm, I had a close encounter with many animals, particularly horses! Within the farm, there are several locations that conducts activities for visitors to enjoy. This place shows you how life was like in the farm in the olden days, simple and peaceful.

A show put up for us to see how the shepherd gives commands to the dog to guide the sheep from one place to the other. 

Geese on the loose. 

Hey cutie.

My Prince Charming.


Penguin Parade

The penguin parade is one of the popular tourist attractions in Australia. During sunset, a few hundred little penguins will make their way to shore and rest in the cute little wooden huts made for them! Words can't describe how cute they were when they waddled past me! I felt taking photographs with them but PHOTO TAKING IS PROHIBITED for the safety of these penguins. So, please do not secretly switch on your camera and take a snap shot of them.

Anyway, it is advisable to be there at least an hour before the doors open because it is going to be really crowded. If you want to get good seats (free seating/standing), head over early! Meanwhile, there are souvenir shopcafe and a mini exhibition for you to patronize.

There are 3 different tickets available for purchase to view the penguins:
General Viewing: This viewing area has tiered seating so that visitors can get a good view of the penguins waddling across Summerland Beach! Cost: $25.10 per adult.

Photo taken from Weekendnotes

Penguin Plus: This viewing platform allows visitors to have an up-close view of the penguins! There is an elevated broadwalk that allows us to see the penguins waddle around their burrows too. Cost: $47.20 per adult.

Photo taken from Grayline

Underground Viewing: This viewing area allows visitors to have a close viewing of the penguins through an underground viewing window at eye level. Cost: $60.00 per adult.

Photo taken from penguins.org

For a better view of Penguin Plus and Underground Viewing, check out their website or the YouTube video below!

My recommendation? Purchase the Penguin Plus tickets! J and I managed to get the front row seats because we went there early! The penguins were so close to us and we really enjoyed the experience. In the event that you didn't manage to get the seats in the first row, fret not! Once the people sitting in the first row leave, you can take over their seats and see the penguins up-close. Moreover, you get to walk along the broadwalks and see what the penguins are up to! General Viewing might be too far away from the penguins (you have to see your luck) and Underground Viewing seemed to be quite cramped up as only up to 70 visitors are allowed to be in there. Moreover, there will be a window standing in between you and the penguin, which I didn't like.

Here are some photographs which I took before the penguins came!

Some penguins will be staying in those wooden huts! 

Can you spot the penguin hiding in there?

That's all!

I strongly recommend everyone to check out this Penguin Parade! It was an amazing experience and we left the place reluctantly. I'm missing those penguins right now!


There was much more to Philip Island which we did not manage to explore and we hope to return here in future. So, if you're heading to Melbourne, do not forget to add Philip Island into your travel list!


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